Sirius Wang

About Me

Birthday 1993-03-01
Educational background Bachelor
Company Endress + Hauser InfoServe (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Title Full Stack Web Developer Internet of Things
Working Age 7 years


Wide technology coverage, hard-working, not afraid of challenges, strong sense of responsibility.

Vocational skills:

  1. Proficient in Github, Alibaba Cloud
  2. Proficient in Cloud Native, including k8s, openshift
  3. Proficient in CICD pipelines, including jenkins & tekton pipelines
  4. Proficient in Python, React, and SQL
  5. Proficient in git, command line and graphical interface, as well as the use of Gitea, Gitlab and Github.
  6. Have good document editing habits, and have personal document database.
  7. Good at communication. Stay hungry, stay foolish. Always learning